








in-person personal


Online Personal Training

Unlike a YouTube video or fitness apps where you are left to your own devices – online personal training is exactly that, it is personal. Each session is tailored to your location, equipment, and goals. I will be with you through each session ensuring all exercises are done correctly while keeping you motivated with some friendly banter. In this fast-paced world, online personal training has become more and more popular, with no gym time restrictions, no travel time, just getting it done and then back on your day.

How it works:

  • Calls are done via zoom or WhatsApp, so good wifi is important.
  • Set aside one hour during the day that suits your schedule.
  • You set up your phone, tablet, or computer in a place where I can instruct you through your personalized workout.
  • Gym equipment is optional but the more “toys” you have the more stimulating a session becomes.

Fit life bonus:

  • Weekly workout reports, so you can monitor your own progress.
  • Exclusive access to private IG group/ WA group for extra health and fitness tips.
  • 100% commitment from my end as your personal trainer.

online group fitness

Group fitness can be done in person or online. The benefits of group fitness it is often more cost-effective and is self-motivating. Fitness can often become a mental challenge but when part of a group it can become a social activity. Being social while achieving your fitness goals all at the same time. My group fitness classes are a combination of functional fitness, HITT, strength, body weight, and compound movements. Making every session unique in its own way.

How it works:

  • Join an existing group or make your own group (4 people minimum). Make it social, make it fun. Noting like having some banter while sweat is dripping!
  • Group fitness can be done in person or online via zoom or WhatsApp, so good WIFI is important
  • Set aside one hour during the day that suits your schedule
  • You set up your phone, tablet, or computer in a place where I can instruct your group through your personalized workout
  • Gym equipment is optional but the more “toys” you have the more stimulating a session becomes.

Fit life bonus:

  • Weekly workout reports, so you can monitor your own progress.
  • Exclusive access to private IG group/ WA group for extra health and fitness tips.
  • 100% commitment from my end as your personal trainer.

fitness consultant

Information is great, but often too much information is overwhelming. Trying to sift through all the different diets, workouts, supplements, and trends can leave you feeling absolutely lost and demotivated. This is where I can come in. In all my years in fitness and health have successfully navigated through all the bullsh*t to know what works for one does not necessarily work for the another. During our consult together I will determine what is the best way of you achieving your results in a realistic, honest, and sustainable way.

Let’s Talk

  • Here we will get to know each other this is where we have an open conversation about your goals, current habits, fitness, nutrition history as well as any limiting injuries or medical conditions.
  • You can ask all your burning questions about diet, training, and supplementation and you can expect a straight up answer.

Take Action

  • Now that we have all the questions answered and the facts in front of us, we can set out to customize a sustainable, achievable, and maintainable plan of action. This includes healthy nutritional changes, balanced workout programs, and positive mental conditioning.
  • This plan will be designed to make health and fitness a part of your lifestyle. Giving you a new fit life.


  • Once your set up and going it’s not over. I am still here. I am one consult away. It is important to know that you have someone in your corner that understands the changes you’re making to your life.
  • It is important set up checking calls approximately every six weeks. Schedule up a call to let me know how it’s going, your progress, and any questions or struggles you’re having.

In-Person Training

The ultimate health and fitness experience. We work side by side, in person through every workout. Making tweaks and changes turning you into a modern warrior ready to face all life’s mental and physical challenges. Stick with me we can get it done.

How it works:

  • Find a place to train, whether it be your home, office, or nearest park. I will come to you with all the equipment and energy.
  • Alternatively, you can come train with me at my studio – inquire for more details.
  • Set aside one hour during the day that suits your schedule.

Fit life bonus:

  • Weekly workout reports, so you can monitor your own progress.
  • Exclusive access to private IG group/ WA group for extra health and fitness tips.
  • 100% commitment from my end as your personal trainer.


“I’ve been training with Mark for over a year – all online. I had a lot of goals, and I wasn’t sure we’d be able to hit all of them. But he completely tailored and individualized my training so that I could! He has an eye for detail, really focusing on daily form and degree of recovery. He communicates so well! He doesn’t just focus on you during your session. He will send you messages during the day just to check in. To ask how you’re feeling, or to find out where you’re sore. There’s no-nonsense here. It’s all about pragmatism and science, which is what I really like. I also like to invite friends to train with me, so Mark makes it fun for everyone involved, regardless of their fitness level. After four training sessions, my jogging time had improved significantly. And after ten sessions, I could see changes in my body.”

Paul - Zurich Switzerland


“I really never thought I’d stick to it, but here I am 18 months later not wanting to miss a session.
And I just love how strong I’ve become!
I particularly love the flexibility of training at home, & now Michael has joined me in the sessions too which is fun.
The strength training has opened up a whole new world of the joy and adventure of living well, and Mark is a great role model of living this life.
Thank you, Mark – for a totally unexpected gift to myself!”
Jacqui & Michael O’Callaghan - Sydney Australia

Directors, Goodgear & Workwear Express


Why work with You if there is so much free training on the internet?

Free stuff doesn’t hold you accountable. No accountability = no results. Most free workouts and diets are generic they are not individualized or progressive. Making it unmaintainable and unmotivating. Furthermore, there is no instruction on the correct form which can lead to injury and muscle imbalances. Whereas I keep you progressive and customize your training to fit into your lifestyle to achieve ultimate results.

Does training over zoom really work? How can you supervise my movements properly?

Yes, it really does. I will be able to see you clearly to make sure your form is on point. So, no cheating on form or reps. It also improves your own mind/ body connection which lacking in this modern day.

What are the key benefits of training for a fit life?

This isn’t just a workout. This is an overall health education. It’s a lifestyle. Proper nutrition and training to improve your well-being – mentally and physically. We cut through the bullshit of fake diets / supplements / training fads, and deliver a healthy, maintainable way of training and nutrition that will improve your health, looks and let you live a fit life.

How can I decide if this training is right for me?

Set up a free trial session. You can get a feel for my style and ask him anything. We can chat about your goals and struggles and start creating a plan if you feel training with me is a good fit after your first session.

What resources and support will I have access to?

You will be able to WhatsApp me directly anytime to answer any questions you may have. You will also be added to a private WhatsApp and IG group with other fit life people where I share exclusive educational videos with the people who train with me

what equipment do I need?

Laptop/tablet/phone, workout sneakers, gym mat.

Nice to have for home gym: 
Suspension trainer, pair of dumbells (adjustable), resistance bands, workout step, etc.

Next Steps
This can range from a pair of dumbbells to a full-blown gym. It all depends on your space and budget. New equipment can be added at any time as your progress.

How does the cancelation policy work?

Of course, we all have those days where we just aren’t up for training, feel sick, or the busyness of life gets in the way and you need to cancel. At MH Fitness we require you to text Mark a minimum of 2 hours in advance of your session to cancel in order to not get charged. Last-minute cancelations will be considered a session used.

Does Mark also help with creating a diet plan?

Yes definitely! That falls under my nutrition consultant service. We can set up 90 min session to go through your current diet, your goals and start crafting a plan to get you where you want to go while educating you along the way about healthy eating to complement your training.

fit life

Personal training.anywhere.anytime


Let’s connect

Your first session is free

For online personal training.